Don’t point out people’s misfortunes | Letter

Have you ever had someone point something out that you that was totally obvious but you didn’t want anyone to notice? Just like that huge zit on your face that people can’t stop looking at. It’s a terrible and embarrassing feeling. A lot of people experience it almost every day of their lives.

Have you ever had someone point something out that you that was totally obvious but you didn’t want anyone to notice? Just like that huge zit on your face that people can’t stop looking at. It’s a terrible and embarrassing feeling. A lot of people experience it almost every day of their lives.

It seems that no one thinks about what they say before they say it. If people just took a second to think about pointing out someone’s imperfections, they might realize that it would make the person feel bad about themselves. I know what it’s like to walk around and hope no one sees my insecurities. But just about every day I get told that same things: “Your face is really red,” or “You wear to much blush.” It pisses me off because most people who say these things have known me for a long time. This is actually something that gets on my nerves. Do those people not realize that I was born like this. I know my face isn’t clear. I know it’s red. I have to look at it every day, and I can feel the heat rush to my face when it happens. Why do you have to point it out something so obvious, and to be truthful, it kind of makes you look like an idiot.

Pointing out imperfections is a problem because it can make people feel bad about him or herself. I remember when I used to wear shorts a lot in the summer. I would walk to the store with me best friend and stay cool. After a while, people kept asking me if I was cold because I have these dots on my legs that kind of looked like goose bumps. I started feeling really insecure about my legs (which I was already insecure about) and refused to leave the my home if I wasn’t wearing something that covered my legs. I haven’t worn shorts outside since that. Pointing things out can really change someone. People hear all these negative comments, and start to believe that something is wrong with them. Then they put themselves down so much that they become depressed. Some people can even become suicidal. Maybe not just from imperfections, but it’s possible.

I need everyone to stop, and think about what they’re going to say to someone. Ask yourself, if it’s something obvious, “ Do they probably know that something is “wrong” with them?” or “will they be embarrassed if I point this out with other people listening?” It’s not that hard to not be a jerk to people. Everyone has some imperfections. Even the hottest guy or girl in the school does. People need to realize that words do hurt even if the person says they don’t care if people point out things about them. Those people usually go home and think about those things. Those words sink in, and they hurt.

I think this issue needs to be addressed because it can make people very depressed. People who are really depressed can become suicidal. No one deserves that. Even the worst people in the world. So next time you go to point something out about something, keep that in mind.

Tristin Rampy, Bothell