Gorc is dangerous for Bothell | Letter

The attempt to paint Roz Gorc as anything other than a potential City Council insider is dangerous. Be a smart voter, and do your homework concerning her personal affiliations. Just look at the City Council videos, and you will see Ms. Gorc defending the mayor in his infamous attempt to develop the Wayne Golf Course.

The attempt to paint Roz Gorc as anything other than a potential City Council insider is dangerous. Be a smart voter, and do your homework concerning her personal affiliations. Just look at the City Council videos, and you will see Ms. Gorc defending the mayor in his infamous attempt to develop the Wayne Golf Course.

Even though his outrageous venture to buy the golf course was exposed, by the public and the press, Ms. Gorc continued to support the mayor and his cronies. She apparently did not feel the need to preserve the trees, the wildlife, the environment and the open space. The City Council does not need another follower in the “behind the door dealings” of this council. We need a leader, that’s why I support Andy Rheaume.

Dr. Robert J. Tadlock, Bothell