Pollution effects over 100 million people | Letter

Pollution effects over 100 million people, that's comparable to diseases like HIV. More than three million children under age 5 die annually from environmental factors.

Pollution effects over 100 million people, that’s comparable to diseases like HIV. More than three million children under age 5 die annually from environmental factors.

My point is that we keep killing our environment everyday, making it worse and worse for the generations after us. The reason this is a big problem is because if we keep making the environment worse and worse, then how is the next generations going to make it? What are the points of our accomplishments if we have no one to recognize them. Not to mention that we already have pollution affecting people in our generation and they are mainly kids that are developing and are still young.

To fix this problem it’s going to take more than just one person it’s going to have to take all of us. We can recycle more, buy things with less packing, and try to replace our dependence on fuel sources that damage our environment. This isn’t something that can happen over night, this isn’t something that can happen fast or quickly.

Just by making small changes we’ll start to make a difference. The more of us that start to make the changes in the right path can influence others to make this changes as well. The more people that you can convince to make the changes step by step, the more you and us make a difference. The difference happens because the more people we get to join us the more power and influence we’ll have.

This is important to all of because we all need a clean environment to live, we all need oxygen to breath, we all need clean water to drink. Just because you’re not drastically affected by pollution doesn’t mean you’ll never be affected by it. For all you know, it might happen to you in your lifetime.

Blakelee Ranard, Bothell