University of Washington, Bothell announces Leadership MBA

The University of Washington, Bothell MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program’s officials have announced what the university bills as a one-of-a-kind Leadership MBA (LMBA) at its Eastside Leadership Center in Bellevue.

The LMBA is advertised as aimed at turning business people into leaders through experiential learning, cohort-based student experience and the use of cutting-edge pedagogy.

According to UW-Bothell officials, the number of applications to the LMBA, as well as the Technology MBA (TMBA) at the UW-Bothell campus, has been strong in spite of the recession.

Director of the business program, Sandeep Krishnamurthy, said, “We are thrilled at the outstanding reception to our Leadership MBA. We look forward to passionately engaging with the first trailblazing LMBA class and molding a new generation of business leaders. There is still time to be part of this pioneering class.”

UW-Bothell faculty have been closely involved in the development and planning of the Leadership Center. Paul Collins, management professor, remarks, “I am passionate about helping our students become great leaders of business and civic organizations. The LMBA is a powerful opportunity for me to realize this dream.”

The Eastside Center is part of UW-Bothell’s commitment to serve students in the region, according to school officials. Gowri Shankar, associate director of graduate programs, said, “The launch of our LMBA Program in Bellevue gives our premier business program more opportunities to cater to the diverse needs of students in the area. We look forward to greater interaction between UW-Bothell and business leaders in technology, financial services, transportation and service industries in the region and beyond.”

The center is located in Bellevue’s Park 140, 2515 140th Ave N.E., Suite B-100 and will open in October, renovated to accommodate the incoming LMBA cohort.

Applications for admission to the LMBA are still being accepted on a space-available basis. For additional information, visit or email