A thumbs up for Kenmore art

In response to Richard Olson’s letter expressing such strong dislike for the “grill” art on some corners of Bothell Way:

While I respect Mr. Olson’s right to his opinion, as inexplicably intense as it may be (“When I close my eyes, I still see the grill” — seriously?) I couldn’t disagree more.

I think the corner art is fabulous. Yes, as Mr. Olson was kind enough to demonstrate with his in-depth knowledge of the manufacturing process, perhaps the shapes could have taken numerous other forms. But I think the art is a subtle and wonderful improvement to these street corners.

More importantly, do you remember what this part of Bothell Way used to look like? Now with the big wide boulevard and sidewalks, this town is really sprucing up. Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and this beholder says, “Job well done.”

Lisa Woods