Bothell City Council takes Zone 1 property owners rights | Letter

It seems that our demise is set now. The new Bothell City Council will likely vote to strip away a last chance to allow the property owners of Zone 1 a chance to prove, based upon new facts, that assumptions were not a valid reason for taking land and including Zone 1 in the Critical Species Habitat.

It seems that our demise is set now. The new Bothell City Council will likely vote to strip away a last chance to allow the property owners of Zone 1 a chance to prove, based upon new facts, that assumptions were not a valid reason for taking land and including Zone 1 in the Critical Species Habitat. It was simply easier to include the area east most in the city rather than commit to tests that would have upheld the truth.

Last spring private funded studies and tests were concluded that showed that the assumptions regarding ground water were not valid and city surface water maps show that water leaving Zone 1, for the most part weather related, does not go to the three creek fishery but rather south, trapped and transferred by roadway ditches, 236th, 35th Southeast, it continues south to filter down valley.

The council holds expertise that knows that Zone 1 does not directly contribute to the three creek fishery that makes up the Critical Species Habitat. But the spawning ground, in and of its own, should be preserved.

The agenda does not need to assume the inclusion of properties that don’t meet the criteria. The taking happened many years ago and once enacted is set in stone. It seems that disregard for the obvious truth is the politically correct stance and now that the council is expected swing away from seeking that truth in our regard we, who are not politicians but rather simply old folks, are forced to the wrong side of history, are helpless toward any resolve.

As of this coming spring we will have been trying continually for 19 years to get a resolve on the zoning for Zone 1 that would allow us to reach closure, to move on with our lives. I was nearly 51 years of age when I applied for, was accepted, a rezone hearing request that became delayed. Now I am old and see no forward action that closes the door on long frustration with no hope for positive results.

We have been given the highest residential taxable zoning and shackled with LID restrictions that have been proven time and again unworkable, not developable, not able to sell.

This matter is onerous and the onus is not on our shoulders but this has simply put a pox on our homes and land. We have never done anything to bring this burden on ourselves – and as it turns out we have never ever received whatsoever any compensation of tangible value.

The chance now to allow Parametrix to complete an already begun study that could possibly uncover facts that are relevant to the truth regarding Zone 1 will likely be voted or stopped before conclusion by the new council. The agenda that refuses compromise does not want the study to go forward.

You see, the onus is passed to you now; you are expected to uphold the will of the interests that caused this malfunction, are putting pressure on you to shoulder the onus that they have created.

And they expect you to vote their will versus facts and versus the truth. So you will shoulder the conscience for the acts and that is how gerrymandering works. The oligarchy that has coalesced over the years has no ears and has held our lives in abeyance unrightfully.

It’s simply a taking.

The Berry family is done. We can’t take any more of this. But I would like a comp of anybody, anywhere, who has been forced to endure this kind of treatment.

Tom Berry, Bothell