Inslee ignores science when it comes to immigration | Letter

Gov. (Jay) Inslee was quoted in the Reporter accusing the Trump administration of being “anti-science.” He also bemoaned “fake news.”

Inslee frequently touts his environmental concern, especially in response to Trump policies.

But any examination of his political record makes clear he ignores how his decision making influences population growth. In fact, in a 1st District meeting at Inglemoor High School, he expressed bafflement and awkward bemusement that his votes to legalize illegal immigration and significantly increase legal immigration has a large impact on population growth — and that has a strong bearing on environmental degradation.

Science makes clear that there are above 7.4 billion people now on this planet, and somewhere near half of them are living in uncertain, unsustainable circumstances, and the US population is already bulging at somewhere near 325 million and is swelling at about three million per year primarily because of our immigration policy.

Maybe Inslee should attempt applying scientific methodology in determining whether many of this area’s citizens are experiencing unprecedented congestion, whether Puget Sound and the waterways are increasingly polluted, and finally whether all the life-providing ecosystems of this nation and area are being degraded by the increasingly large human “footprint” on them.

Or maybe for political reasons he too is anti-science.

Richard Pelto, Kenmore