Take care of yourself | Letter

Novelist Eleanor Brown writes, “Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”

Self-care is an important part of my life and should be important to yours. This has been a problem for me. I’ve learned over the years to take care of my self first before helping others. I’ve learned tools along the way from many different therapist on how to deal with anxiety and ADHD. I feel everyone should go to counseling at least once in their life or better yet, more than that.

The tools therapists and counselors can provide us are useful for everyone. Sometimes all people need is the right medications. Otherwise you’ll learn how to deal with your anxiety, stress, family issues, etc. Listen, learn and put the tools to use. The problem is that only 50 percent of youth ages 8-15 receive mental health services.

I do feel part of the problem is that health care is not affordable. Schooling for mental health service is $25,000-35,000 a year. For me, I wouldn’t want to pay that. We go for a yearly check-up, why not one for mental health? If everyone could afford to see a counselor would you see one for extra tips and tricks on daily life?

I want everyone to go out and see some sort of mental health provider. Just take time to take care of yourself. Call up a therapist, ask how much it costs and do it. School counselors and nurses are free to talk to. They also will have many resources.

Andrew Millette
