Thanks for supporting local police officers

To the citizens of the city of Bothell,

Following the murders of four police officers in Lakewood and one in Seattle, the last few weeks have been difficult ones for the law-enforcement officers in this region and around the country. All police officers, who are already very aware of the risks associated with the law-enforcement profession, are now forced to become even more aware after becoming targets even while just drinking a cup of coffee.

Following the Lakewood and Seattle incidents (and subsequent memorial services) our police officers here in Bothell have received an overwhelming showing of support from all over the Bothell community. In addition, there has been an unprecedented showing of support for police officers everywhere in the region.

The purpose of this letter is to tell our Bothell community how much we appreciate the kind gestures, thoughts, and letters — and how much that support means to all of us. Policing any community is challenging enough, but without the support of our citizens, it would be a very, very difficult job. I can tell you that one of the best things about being a police officer in Bothell is the great relationships we have always had with our citizens. I can also tell you that following these recent events, our dedicated police personnel are even more committed to keeping our Bothell community a safe one.

On behalf of the men and women of the Bothell Police Department, I would like to thank you for your support and tell you that it is deeply appreciated.

Chief Forrest Conover

Bothell Police Department