Bothell United Methodist to participate in Community Serve Day on Sunday

Bothell United Methodist Church will “worship through service” at Community Serve Day on Sunday.

At Community Serve Day, congregation members will join other faith communities and partners to help prepare 24 schools in the Northshore and Lake Washington school districts for the first day of school.

Parishioners will help with the sorting, organizing, painting, landscaping and more that needs to be done in order to have the schools ready to welcome their students.

Community Serve Day will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bothell UMC will host a party afterward to celebrate volunteers and unwind together after this opportunity to serve.

People can sign up by going to Volunteers can choose the school where they would like to work and note any special skills they may have or limitations that should be considered when assigning tasks.All ages are welcome and children are encouraged to volunteer and can serve beside their parents.