Eight historic beers available at Foggy Noggin in Bothell tomorrow

Eight historic British beers will be available for tasting tomorrow at the Foggy Noggin' in Bothell.

Eight historic British beers will be available for tasting tomorrow at the Foggy Noggin’ in Bothell.

Historic beer writer and historian, Ron Pattinson, will be on hand to provide insight into each of the beers presented, including how they changed, the effects of war and taxation on beer, and changes in drinker preferences.

There will be four beer styles, including the Scotch Ale, Russian Stout, Porter and Mild Ales, along with two different eras of beer from each style, such as the 1933 Younger No. 3 Scotch Pale Ale versus the 1879 Younger No. 3 Scotch Ale.

The 21 and over Tasting event may be sold out, but interested aficionados can still meet Ron Pattinson prior to the tasting for a book signing.

As a writer for BeerAdvocate magazine and author of “The Home Brewer’s Guide to Vintage Beer”, Pattinson has spent the last 15 years studying all aspects of beer.

The book signing will be from 1-4 p.m., whereas the beer tasting event starts at 6 p.m. – the tasting is sold out.

For more information visit the Foggy Noggin’s website.