Jan. 9
Stolen crystal: At 2:21 p.m. at Blyth Park, a victim reported that a crystal, worth about $300, was stolen from his car while he was playing at the frisbee course. Unknown suspects smashed the driver’s window to enter the vehicle. When the victim heard his car alarm going off, upon reaching the second hole of the course, he returned to his car to find his crystal gone. The crystal was described as having a similar shape as a knife, but the blade was fragile and dull.
Vehicle prowl: At 9 a.m. in the 18100 block of 96th Avenue Northeast, subjects stole a purse with $300 in cash, checkbooks, debit cards, license and Social Security number from a Toyota. The victim had the vehicle parked in her assigned parking stall and normally locked the car. But a faulty back hatch didn’t always latch. She noticed her car reeked of smoke and the driver’s seat repositioned when she returned to the car to take her son to school. There are no suspects.
Fred Meyer theft: At 3:55 p.m. at Fred Meyer, a suspect was arrested for walking out of the grocery store with $234.47 worth of merchandise without paying. An employee witnessed the suspect in the home department, placing several items into a large tote bin and then walking toward the north exit of the store. The suspect traveled past the points of sale to outside, where she was stopped by loss prevention. The items were an assortment of cleaning supplies, air fresheners and body washes.
Mailbox gone: At 2:03 p.m. in the 19200 block of Hollyhills Drive Northeast, a caller reported a mailbox had been taken from outside the building. It was described as a large black individual locking mailbox mounted on a post.