Bothell City Council approves purchase of Wayne Golf Course Front 9

At Tuesday night’s regular City Council meeting, the Bothell City Council authorized the City to buy 49.9 acres of the Wayne Golf Course, known as the “Front 9,” by the end of this year for an estimated $3.4 million. The Council’s action preserves the majority of the land – 45 acres – in a conservation easement for passive recreation, with four acres available in an “Active Use Area.”

“City of Bothell purchasing the Wayne Golf Course is very important to our community and our region,” said Mayor Andy Rheaume. “The preservation of this land for public use and watershed health is a huge accomplishment and testament to the many people who came together to make this possible.”

The City Council will consider approval of the purchase of the ‘Back 9’ on Dec. 12.

The majority of the Front 9 (45 acres) is already in a conservation easement, which limits the types of activities that may occur on the property to passive uses. The existing conservation easement will remain in place, allowing golf and other passive recreation uses rather than further limiting the uses.

On the four-acre Active Use Area, the deed specifically prohibits residential, manufacturing, industrial and office uses (other than incidental office and storage spaces) and memberships that would limit public access.

The purchase will be fully funded from available park moneys. Final costs, such as the exact amount of interest, bank fees, and closing costs will be determined at closing. A $1 million capital request for this purchase remains in the state budget proposal. If granted, the City’s financial obligation would be reduced to $2.4 million.

Once the purchase is final, the public may enjoy the park.

In early 2018, the City will conduct a public process to name the new park. Also next year, the Parks & Recreation Department will launch a master planning process for the new park. Watch the City’s website and social media for opportunities to participate, as public involvement will be critical to this effort.

Once the master plan is developed, it will be a 20- to 30 year process to fully develop the park and complete restoration, depending on funding. Significant restoration work is needed, such as removal of invasive plants and improving salmon habitat.

The purchase of Wayne Golf Course was possible by a partnership between the City of Bothell, King County, Forterra and OneBothell.