Bothell designer receives funding needed to start t-shirt company

Bothell Designer Liam Robinson's designs for a line of pink t-shirts is now available for purchase

Bothell Designer Liam Robinson’s designs for a line of pink t-shirts is now available for purchase.

Quirkie Kids is a line of pink t-shirts for girls and boys with various designs for kids to choose from. The goal is for kids to embrace their uniqueness and erase gender stereotypes.

To raise the money to launch Quirkie Kids as a small business, the owner started a campaign from a fund-raising internet-based company called Kickstarter, hoping to raise $2,500 in 30 days. The campaign ended March 11 with all needed funds met.

Robinson’s t-shirt designs include Godzilla, Skull, Foodchain and Slime. The tees will be available in sizes 2-10 and will be printed on American Apparel t-shirts in the color fuchsia.

Quirkie Kids’ website is now up and running. Owners are taking preorders and website orders will start shipping in mid to late April.

Visit the website at