Bothell Police Department big Chief Conover names Thedens ‘Little Chief for a Day’

Quinnton Thedens, a fifth-grade student at Shelton View Elementary, was sworn in as “Little Chief for a Day” July 1 at the Bothell Police Department. Chief Forrest Conover presented him with his uniform, name plate and badge. Embroidered Bothell Police hats were donated by Stich & Print of Bothell, and the Bothell Officers Guild gave him a PSP Go system. After a brief ceremony and cake donated by the Canyon Park Albertsons, Quinnton was given a tour of the police station.

Quinnton was diagnosed with Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy at the age of 3 and is now confined to a wheelchair. He was accompanied by his mother, who is a teacher at Canyon Creek Elementary, his father, brother and sister.

Bothell’s new “Little Chief” will also be putting in a guest appearance in Bothell’s 4th of July parade and is assigned to ride in a patrol car. On Aug. 18, he will have the opportunity to attend the official “Chief for a Day” event representing the Bothell Police Department and the city of Bothell.