Bothell Sons of Norway’s upcoming fall events

The Bothell Sons of Norway are preparing for two big upcoming events.

The Bothell Sons of Norway are preparing for two big upcoming events.

A Gingerbread House workshop will take place from noon–4 p.m. on Nov. 17. Instructor Alice Blandin will demonstrate the technique of building a unique small or large gingerbread house. Basic materials are provided but bring the decorating condiments.

A small house is $10 to Bothell members and $15 to non-members. A large house is $15 to Bothell members and $20 to non-members. Pre-registration and payment is required by Nov. 5. Contact Selma Snaring for more information or to register at 425-385-2144.

The Annual Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner will take place from 12-6 p.m. on Dec. 1. The dinner, served family style, will consist of Lutefisk, meatballs, boiled potatoes, coleslaw, Lefse and ice cream for dessert, plus the choice of coffee, tea or milk.

Parking is free with no reservations required. Price for the dinner is $20 for adults and $5 for children. Kids 5 and under are free.

Both events will take place at 23905 Bothell-Everett Highway in Bothell.