Confidential document destruction at Northshore Senior Center, June 6

The Northshore Senior center is hosting a free document destruction event in the parking lot of the senior center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, June 6.

The Northshore Senior center is hosting a free document destruction event in the parking lot of the senior center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, June 6.

Old checks, bank statements and more, are all kinds of documents that can be safely and securely destroyed during the event.

The document destruction will be done by Seadrunar Recycling, a NAID certified organization that will shred confidential documents, and is sponsored by K2 Real Estate Group.

The senior center will also graciously take non-perishable food donations for the Northwest Harvest program.

For more information, please visit