Don’t let your food go to waste / Recycling

The average family in King County throws away nine pounds of food every week, adding up to 470 pounds every year. As a result, more than one-third of the county’s garbage is made up of food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard debris — the largest percentage of the waste stream. Bothell and Kenmore residents who subscribe to yard-waste service can now recycle all their food scraps and food-soiled paper in their yard-waste carts. When you recycle food scraps rather than throwing them in the garbage, they are turned into nutrient-rich compost for local gardens and parks. Here are tips to get started:

• Find the best kitchen container for you

Food-scrap collection can be as simple as using a plastic container or a paper bag, which can be recycled along with the food. Containers designed specifically for food-scrap recycling now come in a variety of styles from stainless steel to ceramic and bamboo and are locally available in many stores.

• Gather it all up

Food scraps that can be recycled include meat, fish, bones, vegetable and fruit trimmings, bread, pasta, egg shells and coffee grounds. You can also put in food-soiled paper such as used paper towels, napkins, coffee filters, even pizza delivery boxes.

• Avoid the ‘ick’

If you’re concerned about odors or fruit flies, place your food scraps in compostable bags, a closed paper bag or store in the refrigerator or freezer until collection day. Empty your collection container every few days into the yard-waste cart.