Gov. Inslee to dedicate UW Bothell’s new science and academic building

Gov. Jay Inslee will dedicate Discovery Hall, the University of Bothell’s new $68-million science and academic building, during a ceremony to be held at 11:30 a.m. March 20.

Gov. Jay Inslee will dedicate Discovery Hall, the University of Bothell’s new $68-million science and academic building, during a ceremony to be held at 11:30 a.m. March 20.

Discovery Hall is the home of the School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) approved by the University of Washington Board of Regents in February 2013. With five new STEM degrees being offered in 2014, Discovery Hall is already at capacity, providing access to higher education for an additional 1,000 students.

The 75,000 square foot building will feature 430 new classroom seats, 250 laboratory seats, project support spaces and faculty offices. The building also features 10 distinct types of laboratories along with a metal shop, wood shop, cold room and a large collaboratory for student use.

Energy-efficient features of the building include use of recycled materials, gearless traction elevators, passive chilled beams, displacement ventilation, low-flow plumbing fixtures and water-efficient landscaping.

Discovery Hall is the first building to be constructed on the UW Bothell campus in 10 years. It will be fully operational for classes in fall Quarter 2014.

A hard hat media tour of Discovery Hall is scheduled on March 20 immediately following the dedication. If a member of a media outlet plans to participate in this tour, they should contact a UW Bothell spokesperson by March 19.

Spaces are limited. Because this is still considered an active construction site, everyone who takes the tour must wear safety boots or at least hiking type boots. No tennis shoes, open shoes or heels will be allowed. Long pants are also required.