Ground to Sound STEM Camp Challenge on tap this week

Friends of the Hidden River are holding the Ground to Sound STEM Camp Challenge 2012 this week at the Brightwater Environmental Education Center in Woodinville.

Friends of the Hidden River are holding the Ground to Sound STEM Camp Challenge 2012 this week at the Brightwater Environmental Education Center in Woodinville.

The science-based day camp program will reconnect students to the natural and reclaimed environment through a series of original motivating challenges designed to promote awareness and action to improve the health of Puget Sound.

Camper teams will use all of their group’s skills and abilities to learn more about the natural world. Each person will be a vital team member, helping the group have fun while achieving their goals. They’ll play with all kinds of equipment like probes, IPads, video cams, scopes and more.  Not only will campers act out simulations, but will do the authentic work of surveying, taking and analyzing data as environmental scientists.

In addition to challenges, students will work together to understand how systems can work together to help create a more sustainable world.