Inglemoor’s Zhou places first at FBLA competition

Inglemoor High junior Kathleen Zhou placed first in Human Resource Management at the national Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) competition held June 29-July 2 in San Antonio, Texas. Senior Emmeline Vu (marketing), senior Darrek Monaco (help desk) and junior Kevin Jin (marketing) also competed.

Inglemoor High junior Kathleen Zhou placed first in Human Resource Management at the national Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) competition held June 29-July 2 in San Antonio, Texas. Senior Emmeline Vu (marketing), senior Darrek Monaco (help desk) and junior Kevin Jin (marketing) also competed.

FBLA-Phi Beta Lambda is the largest and oldest student business organization. More than 8,000 participants from across the United States were in attendance at this conference to sharpen their core business skills, expand their networks and participate in more than 55 business and business-related competitive events.