The City of Kenmore has been recognized as a Bronze-Level Walk Friendly Community for the city’s commitment to improving the pedestrian environment, focusing on policies that impact the entire transportation network as well as targeted neighborhood improvements to improve safety.
This recognition has been awarded by Walk Friendly Communities (WFC), a national recognition program aimed to encourage communities to establish or recommit to a higher level of walking.
Since 2014, Kenmore has continuously shown strides in improving pedestrian safety through the Target Zero initiative, adoption of a complete streets policy and neighborhood transportation plans.
“Kenmore has shown a real commitment to improving the pedestrian environment, focusing on policies that impact the entire transportation network as well as targeted neighborhood improvements to improve safety,” Dan Gelinne, Walk Friendly Communities program manager, said.
One of the highlights from the city’s application included the Neighborhood Transportation Plan Program, which reviews and addresses the transportation needs and concerns in neighborhoods throughout the city.
The application review panel stated, “Kenmore’s Neighborhood Transportation Plan Program is a proactive approach to improving safety across the community by focusing on the particular needs of different neighborhoods.”
Kenmore is one of only three Walk Friendly Communities in Washington, joining Seattle (Platinum Level) and Bellevue (Silver Level). In total, there are 65 Walk Friendly Communities across the nation.
“We’re thrilled and honored to receive this award,” Kenmore Mayor David Baker said. “This award shows that the city is making measurable improvements toward making Kenmore a safer place to walk and bike.”
WFC awards designations from bronze to platinum to participating communities with a commitment to improving and sustaining walkability and pedestrian safety through comprehensive programs, plans, and policies. It was developed to encourage cities and towns across the United States to develop and support walking environments with an emphasis on safety, mobility, access and comfort. Sponsored by FedEx and managed by the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center since 2010, the program distinguishes communities leading the way in walkability and seeks to share their stories to inspire other communities to move towards their own innovative solutions.
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