Feb. 20
DUI: At 5:25 p.m. in the 18800 block of Beardslee Boulevard, a retired police officer called in a report of reckless driving. The car pulled into a parking lot, and when active-duty officers arrived, they found the man asleep with the vehicle still running. The driver was placed under arrest after failing field sobriety tests. The responding officer believed the driver was under a narcotic analgesic.
DUI: At 5:38 p.m. in the 24000 block of Bothell-Everett Highway officers received a call about a man throwing items at cars in a parking lot. He was seen with a beer bottle and he got into his car and left at a high speed. Officers conducted a traffic stop and could smell alcohol radiating from the passenger door while it was still closed. The officers gave the male three attempts to take a field sobriety test, all of which he declined. He was placed under arrest for clear signs of intoxication. His blood-alcohol level was 0.264 according to the preliminary breath test.
Graffiti: At 5:48 p.m. in the 11300 block of Woodinville Drive, officers responded to a report of graffiti. The responding officer observed chalk writing that indicated the writer believed police were domestic terrorists. In addition, the writer liked the smell of “seared meat, especially pork.” No suspect was found.
Feb. 21
Syringes aren’t just for narcotics: At 3:26 p.m. in the 18300 block of 120th Avenue Northeast a patrol officer identified a subject moving in a sporadic, jerky manner. The male was wandering around aimlessly in a store and appeared to have open sores on his face and hands. Officers followed as the suspect left the store to his car and notified him that he was being detained to investigate drug loitering. Officers located drug paraphernalia such as syringes and a torch-style lighter in the vehicle. Police informed him why he was being arrested to which the subject asked, why was he being arrested. The officer explained that a syringe is a common piece of drug paraphernalia, and the man asked if people used syringes for reasons other than drug use.
Delicate flower: At 3:28 p.m. in the 10000 block of Northeast and 162nd Street, officers responded to a report of four individuals assaulting a male. The victim was sitting on his bed with his girlfriend when a female (he knows through his girlfriend) walked in and punched him in the face twice. He pushed her back as the suspect’s boyfriend entered the room and pulled a pistol from his waistband, pointing it at the victim’s head. The pistol was a BB gun. A second male entered the room, and the two males punched the victim in the face numerous times. The victim’s roommate was able to step in as the victim called the police. The motive behind the attackers was that the victim made a negative comment about one of the suspect’s DIY flower box business.
Feb. 24
“She’s awfully pretty”: At 4:58 p.m. in the 18700 block of 101st Avenue Northeast, a male was talking on the phone with his girlfriend when the phone disconnected abruptly. The boyfriend called and texted with no response, so he called the police to conduct a welfare check. When officers arrived at her house, the victim was frantic. She was expecting a friend that night, but when she opened her back door, a large male forced himself inside. He had her pinned up against the wall for about 20-30 minutes, and placed his hands on her hips, wrists, and neck. The suspect then grabbed her phone and texted her boyfriend, “She’s awfully pretty.”