McMenamins’ pool reopened today

The pool at McMenamins reopened today after nearly three months of closure due to a fog which had created low visibility for lifeguards.

The pool at McMenamins reopened today after nearly three months of closure due to a fog which had created low visibility for lifeguards.

The pool will be open from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily, but if lifeguards are unable to fully see the entire pool and room it will close temporarily.

The fog which closed the pool initially was created by the open-air design of the pool building, which allowed outside air in. When colder winter air mixed with the heated pool it created a thick fog which was noticed by a King County Department of Health inspector on Jan. 4, leading to the pool closure.

Pool manager Debra Shelton said if it becomes too cold in the morning or evening the pool may close accordingly.

The pool may begin to open earlier as the weather warms.

McMenamins installed five additional exhaust fans and had been waiting for approval to reopen from the County, finally getting the go-ahead at a recent meeting with inspectors.

Swim sessions start every two hours beginning at 9 a.m. Adults must accompany children under 17.

Bothell residents with identification, hotel guests and children 3 and under can use the pool free of charge although swim diapers are required for children who are not potty trained, Shelton said.