More and more dependence part 2: another view

Mr. McGavran’s “More and More Dependence” (Nov. 18) just can’t go without response.

He perpetuates the false notion that health-care reform is another wasteful government program. I beg to differ. Working government programs include the VA, the military, Medicare, our local fire and police, food inspectors, air traffic safety, etc. They have their problems, but work a darn sight better than privately run health care in this country.

It’s obvious that the goal of the administration is to pass any bill …no matter what it does …to destroy health care, freedom of choice or the economy.

You’ve got that backwards. Our current system is destroying itself from its own greed, incompetence and lack of regulations. Did I mention the destruction our economy?

And Mr. McGavran should get out more, like to talk to his neighbors about their health-care coverage. If you have it, let’s hope you can keep it should you need care.

I know people with coverage who were charged $82,000 for uncovered surgery expenses. Another was diagnosed with cancer and then dropped from coverage when her policy came up for renewal, then she was fired.

Mr. McGavran, watch more TV like PBS Frontline, with T.R. Reid, a journalist, investigating other countries’ health-care systems. Taiwan, Germany, Switzerland, all have lower infancy mortality, higher life expectancy, etc. for a third to half of what we pay. We could learn something from these countries.

So yes, I for one am for independence from health-care corporations that get between me and my doctor. A government run and premium financed public option is the best mechanism to expand affordable quality care to the uninsured and to lower the rising costs of health care for us all. I want government to work for me and not the corporations.

Cathy Ferbrache-Garrand, Bothell