The Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission (WSCJTC) will hold its Chief For a Day celebration Aug. 28 at its Burien campus.
Flood damage on tap for public meeting
Wayne Golf Club will tee off its Fall Field Day/Food Drive Aug. 30 at 16721 96th Ave. N.E., Bothell.
Stephanie Oberto had the mark of a film director from an early age.
The giant hill slide at Kenmore Elementary has been synonymous with the school itself for generations.
Incoming sophomores won’t be the only people getting lost in the hallways of Bothell High this year when classes begin Sept. 2.
The city of Kenmore will celebrate its first decade of existence Aug. 30, one day before the town’s official 10th birthday.
Director Linda Thompson found all she needed for a performance of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” without ever booking an auditorium. She brought the romantic comedy to Saint Edward State Park’s historic orchard.
The Northshore School District and the Northshore Education Association reached a tentative agreement Aug. 22 on a new three-year contract…
Stephanie Oberto had the mark of a film director from an early age. It started with a vivid imagination and…
Members of the Northshore Education Assocation (NSEA) pressed their concerns about ongoing contract negotiations by picketing outside the Northshore School…
Posted 8:15 p.m. Aug. 19 on the King County election site: • Legislative Dist No. 1 Ballots Cast/Registered Voters: 2,455/13,271…
Wayne Golf Club will tee off its Fall Field Day/Food Drive Aug. 30 at 16721 96th Ave. N.E., Bothell. The…
Drivers headed westbound on State Route 522 in Bothell Aug. 22 will see heavy construction activity near Woodinville Drive as…
As summertime comes to a close, the city of Bothell opens its doors with a host of RiverFest activities.
The Northshore Education Association (NSEA) and Northshore Educational Support Professionals Association (NESPA) will decide Aug. 27 whether to start the new school year with bustling classrooms or strikes.
It’s about art, but that’s not all.