Phonathon to support Northshore schools

With a goal of enhancing educational opportunities for Northshore School District students, the Northshore Schools Foundation, formerly Northshore Public Education Foundation, announced its sixth annual “Calling For Kids” Phonathon the evenings of Nov. 3-5.

Operating independently from the Northshore School District through private contributions, the Education Foundation supports academic excellence and student achievement for all of the

Northshore School District’s 20,000 students.

The goal of this year’s phonathon is to raise $500,000 in order to place new instructional materials (including new textbooks) in the hands of students and teachers. In the 2008-2009 school year, the Schools Foundation contributed $157,000 to the Northshore School District. Over the past three years, the foundation has awarded the district almost a quarter of a million in grants.

During the phonathon, volunteers consisting of parents, students and school supporters, will call Northshore School District families to tell them about the Northshore Schools Foundation and ask for a donation.

For more information about the phonathon and the Northshore Schools Foundation, visit or call (425) 408-7680.