Snohomish County dispatch centers testing text to 911 capabilities

Snohomish County 911 centers are in the testing phase of a service that would allow people to text 911 in circumstances in which calling for help is impossible or dangerous for the caller. SNOCOM 911 begins testing this week. SNOPAC plans to test later in the year.

The following is a release from Snohomish County:

Snohomish County 911 centers are in the testing phase of a service that would allow people to text 911 in circumstances in which calling for help is impossible or dangerous for the caller. SNOCOM 911 begins testing this week. SNOPAC plans to test later in the year.

It’s unknown at this time how long the testing phase will last. Once testing is complete, the public will be notified.

Local dispatch centers want to remind people that while sending a text could be possible in the future, texting 911 is not a replacement for a traditional voice call to 911 in an emergency. Although the service is not available today, appropriate scenarios for texting 911 in the future could include:

  • The caller is deaf, hard of hearing, or has a speech disability
  • A medical emergency renders the person incapable of speech
  • When speaking out loud would put the caller in danger – such as a home invasion, an abduction, a domestic violence incident or an active shooter scenario.

During the testing phase, Text-to-911 is not available in Snohomish County. Even when Text-to-911 becomes widely available, the best way to contact 911 will continue to be by voice communications whenever possible. When text does become available, remember – Call if you can, text if you can’t.

If you have questions about the testing phase or the new service in general, please contact SNOCOM 911 Executive Director Debbie Grady at 425-774-2501 or or SNOPAC 911 Executive Director Kurt Mills at 425-407-3911.