Spotting Sasquatch: Famed creature to pop up in Bothell in October

In December, Santa will be popping up everywhere. But in the Bothell area, October belongs to another mysterious being, Sasquatch.

In December, Santa will be popping up everywhere. But in the Bothell area, October belongs to another mysterious being, Sasquatch.

Beardslee Public House, to tie in with a promotion for its Sasquatch Cascadian Dark Ale and Bigfoot Fries, has scheduled appearances of the famed creature at Bothell area businesses every Monday in October as part of a contest.

“It’s important to promote the businesses around you,” said Cathy Lalley, director of marketing for John Howie restaurants. “It’s more important than ever to get people down on Main Street.”

To play, people (age 21 and older) should follow Beardslee Public House on Facebook and Twitter, as the microbrewery and restaurant will post a clue every hour from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Mondays in October. Search parties must enter each business and proclaim, “I am looking for Sasquatch.”

The first five successful search parties each Monday will receive a prize scroll entitling them to a free order of Bigfoot Fries (which Lalley says is plenty to share with your friends) and dollar pints of the Sasquatch CDA.

In early November, one grand prize winner will be chosen from the successful search parties to win a $100 Beardslee gift card every month for six months. The grand prize drawing is limited to one entry per person, so if a person finds Sasquatch on Oct. 10, he or she can’t win later in the month.

Lalley said they’ve done similar promotions with Howie’s restaurants in Bellevue, setting up scavenger hunts for wind-up sushi, rubber hamburgers and other trinkets in area businesses. The Sasquatch promotion, which will feature a paper copy of the Sasquatch CDA label, is a first for Beardslee Public House.

“It could be the annual sighting of Sasquatch if all goes well,” Lalley said.