United Way of Snohomish County offering $50,000 in grants to support financial education

United Way of Snohomish County is offering $50,000 to support financial education and financial coaching serving low- or moderate-income individuals and families. Grants may be used to support classroom instruction, one-on-one counseling or a combination.

United Way of Snohomish County is offering $50,000 to support financial education and financial coaching serving low- or moderate-income individuals and families. Grants may be used to support classroom instruction, one-on-one counseling or a combination.

Programs could include money management, savings, budgeting, avoiding fraud, credit management or other financial topics relevant to low-and-moderate-income families. Funds may be used to support or expand financial asset building services or to develop a new financial education offering.

There is no maximum award for this opportunity. Organizations currently receiving United Way multi-year program grants are eligible for funding, including programs presently funded. For programs currently receiving a multi-year program grant, funds must be used to either expand or enhance impact.

The grant application and instructions can be found on United Way’s website at http://www.uwsc.org/financialeducationgrants.php.

For more information, please contact Lark Kesterke at lark.kesterke@uwsc.org or 425-374-5506.

Last year, seven programs received a total of $51,000 in financial education grants from United Way. Free tax preparation, encouraging people to purchase U.S. Savings Bonds and other financial education programs, in addition to these grants, are part of United Way’s overall effort to help Snohomish County families achieve and maintain financial stability.