UW Bothell presents its Fall Convergence event

The University of Washington Bothell will produce its Fall Convergence event from 1-7 p.m. on Oct. 2 at the North Creek Events Center in Bothell.

The University of Washington Bothell will produce its Fall Convergence event from 1-7 p.m. on Oct. 2 at the North Creek Events Center in Bothell.

This Fall Convergence will explore the written arts as these cross over into performance. Performance usually entails the occurrence of an event which may be an author reading or an orchestrated staging.

While for some performance always assumes that the event is pre-planned and rehearsed, for others it is the very presentness of the act that counts as performance. In these instances, writers and artists may in fact rue anything pre-planned or rehearsed.

While there are certainly solo performances, many performances are collaborative.

In this Fall Convergence, organizers will address how the written arts traditionally have crossed over into the realm of performance and will take up new conversations and edges of what performance may entail.