Volunteers needed for environmental project in Bothell

Volunteers are needed to help with riparian enhancements on Parr Creek, which runs through the North Creek Business Park and North Creek Sportsfields. Riparian refers to the zone between the main land and a river.

Volunteers are needed to help with riparian enhancements on Parr Creek, which runs through the North Creek Business Park and North Creek Sportsfields. Riparian refers to the zone between the main land and a river.

City of Bothell and its project partner, King Conservation District (KCDK), will remove invasive weeds and plant native species that will eventually grow to shade the creek and provide cooler, cleaner water downstream to the Sammamish River.

Volunteers will help with this weeding and planting. If interested, email Janet Geer, Surface Water Program Coordinator for the City of Bothell, at janet.geer@ci.bothell.wa.us or call 425-486-2768.

The City of Bothell, in partnership with the King Conservation District (KCD), will benefit from a $30,000 grant awarded to KCD from the Rose Foundation.

The grant will fund the above-mentioned improvements to Parr Creek’s embankments, which will enhance habitat for fish, birds and other wildlife and will beautify the section of the creek that runs adjacent to trails and ball fields.

City of Bothell staff will also work in concert with KCD staff to provide education and outreach concerning the importance of stream enhancement and environmental stewardship.

Additionally, students and staff from the North Creek branch of Woodinville Montessori School will collect data and monitor the impacts of the stream’s water quality improvements over time. City staff members are excited to be in this collaborative partnership with KCD, Woodinville Montessori School, and the North Creek business community.

The Rose Foundation award comes from the Puget Sound Stewardship and Mitigation Fund, a grant making fund created by the Puget Soundkeeper Alliance and administered by the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment.