Woodin students drawn in to art docents

“Are you teaching art in my class today?” is a frequent question that Artitudes Design Inc. art docents are asked by students in the halls during their monthly visits to local schools.

“Are you teaching art in my class today?” is a frequent question that Artitudes Design Inc. art docents are asked by students in the halls during their monthly visits to local schools.

On May 21, Artitudes employees Carrie Meredith and Lori Hudson visited Woodin Elementary in Bothell for their last art session of the school year.

In response to the growing need for art in elementary schools, the creative community has stepped up to provide teachers and kids arts education. Because art programs have been consistently cut, the teachers and schools are looking to the community to fill that gap. In 2007, support came in the form of Artitudes Design Inc., creating an art docent program called “Artitudes in Action: Art Docent Campaign.”

Andrea Heuston, Artitudes’ CEO, said, “We saw what was happening in the schools and felt the creative community should step up and provide that critical arts education piece.”

Artitudes’ employees create sample art projects, write lesson plans, purchase supplies or use recycled materials, coordinate with elementary schools and then teach the lesson to the class. The campaign reaches more than 425 students a year at three schools on an ongoing basis and gives Artitudes’ employees the opportunity to volunteer and give back to the community with something they are passionate about — art.

“I think the projects the Artitudes volunteers have brought to my students have been fantastic. They have been able to experience all types of art from old-fashioned quilling to recycled art with CDs. The wonderful amount of skill has helped my students stretch their art abilities,” said Theresa Smith, Woodin Elementary sixth-grade teacher.

“I feel strongly that art is very important to a student’s development, but my schedule is so packed that I don’t have time to bring the level of art that Artitudes has been able to bring to my students. It’s an added bonus that my students get to see professionals volunteer their time in schools.”