A big fat lie | Matlak

Since the 1950s, we have been fed (mis)information that has led to the premature death of millions of Americans: fat causes heart disease. This “fact” went virtually unquestioned for years and is one of the major contributors to the health care crisis our country faces today.

Since the 1950s, we have been fed (mis)information that has led to the premature death of millions of Americans: fat causes heart disease. This “fact” went virtually unquestioned for years and is one of the major contributors to the health care crisis our country faces today.

It’s time to come clean and move away from disease and illness, and towards better health. Fat is not the enemy. Despite the explosion of fat-free, low-fat and reduced-fat products, our country has become fatter and sicker.

Fat is an essential nutrient for our body. We use it to transport vitamins and minerals. We use it to form brain and nerve cells. We use it to produce hormones. Why would we want to eliminate this from our diet?

Doctors and scientists have done multiple studies over the last ten years reviewing and analyzing all of the previous research on this topic. And the conclusion is clear: there is simply no significant correlation between saturated fat and heart disease.

This does not give us permission to start downing sticks of butter with every meal, but it should give us a better perspective on what types of food we should not fear. Don’t fall into the trap of always selecting low-fat options. Often times food manufacturers remove fat and replace it with sugar, sodium and chemicals.

We must also keep in mind that not all fat is created equal. We should still avoid trans fat, most commonly found in baked goods and some cooking oils. We should also limit our consumption of vegetable oils like corn, canola and soybean oil. Fat that comes in pre-packaged food can almost certainly be put into the “bad” fat category.

The key to any healthy eating plan is to stick to real foods – foods that were once living. Was a Twinkie ever alive? Was a bagel ever alive?  Unprocessed plant and animal sources should make up the majority of our foods.

Get your dietary fat from high quality sources like coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds, grass-fed or wild caught animal products (like meat, dairy and fish) and pastured poultry and eggs. Many of these sources also contain protein to help maintain and build lean muscle mass.

If you’re looking to get your health back on track, cut down on refined carbohydrates like juice, candy, packaged foods, soft drinks, desserts, even bread and pasta. These wreak more havoc on your body than fat will.

While everyone is entitled to form their own opinions on food, please don’t let this big fat lie stop you from reaching your health goals.

Ben Matlak is with Kutting Edge Fitness in Kirkland.