Fundraising event in Kenmore for man with Metastatic Melanoma | Letter

There will be a large fundraising event on Saturday, July 16 from 4-8 p.m. at the Savage Moose in Kenmore.

There will be a large fundraising event on Saturday, July 16 from 4-8 p.m. at the Savage Moose in Kenmore.

A young community member, only 25 years old, has been diagnosed with an extremely aggressive form of Stage IV Metastatic Melanoma. I am his sister and planning a silent auction in support of his medical and personal bills during his aggressive treatment.

He also has a young fiance and an 18-month-old son to support during this time.

He is one of the strongest people I know and has been handling this situation with grace. Three weeks after his diagnosis, and one the last day of his first round of whole brain radiation, Tandem Dinner & Wine Bar hosted a spaghetti dinner that raised over $10,000. Hopefully this event is even more successful.

A portion of what we raise will be donated to the Melanoma Research Foundation to continue the huge strides that have been made in Melanoma research.

Danielle Bienz, Bothell