Good things have happened since my last letter | Letter

Thanks to citizens all around the country, there are now 156 representatives and 22 senators in both parties cosponsoring this life-saving legislation.

Thanks to citizens all around the country, there are now 156 representatives and 22 senators in both parties cosponsoring this life-saving legislation.

In order for it to come to a vote it has to reach the floor of both chambers. So next step is to ask representatives to speak to the leaders of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Reps. Ed Royce and Eliot Engel to bring this bill (H.R. 3706) to the floor for a vote.

Same idea for senators: speak to the leaders of the Senate Foreign Relations, Senators Bob Corker and Ben Cardin asking them to bring this bill (S. 1911) to the floor for a vote.

In this way we can help pass the legislation that will save over 6 million lives of mothers and children every year. Thanks for your help.

Willie Dickerson, Snohomish