Impacts of KGM’s work in Kenmore | Letter

Since our staff did not know when the work windows are for fish in Lake Washington, I am providing the information. Thank you, Councilmember [Allan] VanNess, for asking a relevant question.

Since our staff did not know when the work windows are for fish in Lake Washington, I am providing the information. Thank you, Councilmember [Allan] VanNess, for asking a relevant question.

Hopefully, you will reconsider your stance settling and allowing KGM to bring demolished parts of the old 520 floating bridge to our shoreline for unmeasured, unmonitored transfer to trucks to be taken to a landfill. What do you know will be the health outcome of combining unmonitored asphalt fumes with unmonitored debris from the 520 bridge and unmonitored cement work? Has that assessment occurred? Will you demand it occur?

If you don’t think it’s a good project, it is a shame that you all voted to allow it, except Councilmember [Stacey] Denuski.

All those documents/tests should be made public to our citizens on the front page of the city of Kenmore’s website. We should not have to request documents that have to do with contaminants you are allowing to enter our air/water/sediments/soil without further testing and without baseline testing and monitoring. We elected you to protect our public health and safety, and yet you let the KGM folks save money by coming here. They could have gone out the Montlake Cut instead. Sending them there would have required our City standing firm. KGM said they are coming to Kenmore to save money. Shameful that our city doesn’t value our Lake Washington’s health or its citizens’ health more than the budget required to do the right thing. Saving our environment requires smart people doing the right thing, not spending money on consultants to destroy wetlands, circumvent environmental laws, etc. Kenmore needs to adopt some wisdom if you ask me.

I am so disappointed. The citizens have spent so much of our own money and time trying to get our own city to uphold its environmental laws. You challenged KGM, Lakepointe and Pioneer Towing for less time than PERK did trying to get our own city to do what Department of Ecology recommended you do at Kenmore Air. Test before you disturb sediments. You said you were fighting us to uphold your code. Maybe you should have just done the right thing and done what Department of Ecology recommended you require at Kenmore Air.

Alas… Here is the fish window information, which you should have had an answer for last night.

I’ll be curious to see if your enforcement will stop any violations, or if you are planning to depend on us, the citizens, to police KGM?…… That’s not right.

Elizabeth Mooney, Kenmore