Keeping a healthy diet and lifestyle during the cold season | Gustafson

It’s easier to eat right and be active outdoors during the summer months when the weather is warm and dry, and fresh fruits and vegetables are plentiful.

It’s easier to eat right and be active outdoors during the summer months when the weather is warm and dry, and fresh fruits and vegetables are plentiful. It’s a different story when the temperatures drop, the rain sets in, and there are no more farmers markets to go to. But that doesn’t mean your healthy lifestyle has to change as well.

If you had a nice summer vacation, spent more time with family and friends, or just followed a slower pace, you probably found it easier to sit down for breakfast, enjoy a leisurely lunch, or cook a more elaborate dinner to be shared with loved ones. Now that it’s back to school or back to work, those pleasant and also healthy habits are in danger of becoming extinct again.

The same goes for your workout schedule. Longer daylight made it less forbidding to get up early for a run or swim, or go to the gym later in the evening. It’s much harder to continue with that regimen when it’s pitch dark outside and the weather is nasty.

Still, not all has to be lost.

For instance, eating a healthy breakfast should remain part of your morning routine all year round. It is one of the most important things you can do for your nutritional health. It is also an essential element of successful weight management.

If you have started taking lunch breaks where you focused on eating a healthy meal, instead of stuffing something absentmindedly in your mouth while working or doing other things, stick with your new habit. Mindless eating is one of the major causes of weight gain and should be avoided as much as possible.

When all family members go back to their busy schedules, it may be harder to gather them around the dinner table. Still, you should make the effort, not only because home-cooked meals are preferable to eating out or snacking but also for social reasons. If you had a chance to reconnect with your spouse and children during summer vacation, don’t let that slip away again because of time pressures.

As far as your physical fitness is concerned, you should build on the foundation you have laid over the summer – or undo the damage if your leisurely activities have led you in the other direction. Running, bicycling or swimming outdoors may no longer be possible, but there is the treadmill, the stationary bike or an indoor pool nearby. Don’t let lame excuses creep in and keep a regular exercise program as best as you can.

Your grocery list may or may not be as much affected, since today’s supermarkets stock most food items all year round, including those not in season in your region. But you can also focus on fruits and vegetables that are harvested late.

Fall is also a good time to make heartier meals like soups and stews that give you a cozy feeling when rain and wind bluster outside.

Keep in mind that the cold season requires your body to spend more energy to stay warm and protected. Eating highly nutritious foods, filled with vitamins and minerals, are essential to keep your immune system strong and get you as unscathed as possible through the flu season and other health hazards.

Timi Gustafson R.D. is a registered dietitian, newspaper columnist, blogger and author of the book “The Healthy Diner – How to Eat Right and Still Have Fun”®, which is available on her blog and at  For more articles on nutrition, health and lifestyle, visit her blog, “Food and Health with Timi Gustafson R.D.” (