Less stress for school | Column

It’s that time of year again when we all wake up in the morning in a panic. Does my child have everything they need for school? What time does school start? How am I going to make it to my early meeting?

It’s that time of year again when we all wake up in the morning in a panic. Does my child have everything they need for school? What time does school start? How am I going to make it to my early meeting?

If this sounds like you, don’t fret, you are one of many who will need to take the rest of the week to get yourself and your family on a good morning routine which often starts with a good evening plan. Here are some suggestions to help everyone start their mornings off right.

· Check their backpack as soon as you arrive home in the evenings. Children may tell you that they have nothing in their backpack or they don’t have homework but it always pays to double check. Some may be telling fibs to get out of homework but many others truly don’t remember what they have in the dark depths of their bags.

· Get their backpacks re-packed for the next day before going to sleep.

· Have their clothes set out, including shoes and coats, so that there is no panicky scrambling all over the house trying to find them. We suggest that you have all of your clothes and bags ready to go as well. It will make a difference, I promise.

· If you are making them lunch, prepare it the evening before.

· Plan for protein-packed breakfast for you and them. Unfortunately, many breakfasts tend to consist of nothing but sugars and carbs like Eggos, cereal and pop-tarts. A healthier option is to look for protein rich options which can include sausage or bacon (or turkey sausage), eggs, cheese, oatmeal, yogurt with granola or smoothies (with protein powder, coconut milk, or almond milk to “boost” the nutritional content).

It may take an extra 15 minutes from your evening, but it will be worth it in the morning.

Aleksa Overby is the Director of the Kiddie Academy of Bothell, Winner of the “Best of Northshore” for 2011, 2012 and 2013.