Let the Bothell City Council know how you feel about Stowe’s firing | Letter

It with great sadness that I have to write this letter. Bothell City Council members Andy Rheume, Davina Durr, Tris Samburg, Tom Agnew and James McNeal, all voted to terminate the most esteemed city manager in the state of Washington.

It with great sadness that I have to write this letter. Bothell City Council members Andy Rheume, Davina Durr, Tris Samburg, Tom Agnew and James McNeal, all voted to terminate the most esteemed city manager in the state of Washington.

We had him, he was ours. They, in less than 10 minutes, with no discussion on the dais, fired him while he was on vacation. That was the strangest moment I have ever seen from them. Their silence spoke volumes. Volumes of closed door decisions, volumes of personal agendas, volumes of abuse of power.

While I am aware that they had the right to fire him at whim, the way it happened is sketchy and underhanded.

Please people, let them hear from you… ask the questions, demand the answers.

Leigh Henderson, Bothell