Petition to vote on bathroom privacy | Letter

Do you like to right a wrong, like I do? Well, you only have a number of hours to do so regarding whether Washington state bathrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms should remain sprung open to whatever gender individuals want to enter.

Do you like to right a wrong, like I do? Well, you only have a number of hours to do so regarding whether Washington state bathrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms should remain sprung open to whatever gender individuals want to enter.

Sign Initiative I-1515, “Just Want Privacy,” a petition that would allow the people to vote in November 2016 about this personal matter. Everyone should have a voice.

Did you know that we are all now subject to ruling WAC 162-32, concocted by five unelected “officials,” that forces us to sacrifice our privacy, dignity and safety by allowing biological men to use women’s once-private facilities and biological women to use men’s? And this pertains to private businesses as well as public schools.

How did this come about? Because the rights and feelings of transgenders (under 1 percent of the population) are currently regarded by many liberals as superior to those of the rest of us. LGBT activism bullies straights.

If you don’t believe this ruling exists, you aren’t alone. The governor-appointed, five-person human rights commission did a superb job of keeping their political activism under wraps by permitting next to no public input and essentially hiding (by not publicizing) the passage of WAC 162-32.

As things stand, anyone in Washington can use any restroom or locker room or shower room they want, destroying the innocence of children, and we are forbidden to protest.

Nancy Kasper, Bothell