Share your holiday lights with the community | Editor’s note

The Bothell and Kenmore Reporter newspapers are seeking holiday light displays to share with the greater community.

The Bothell and Kenmore Reporter newspapers are seeking holiday light displays to share with the greater community.

Each year for the Kirkland Reporter we have sought out homes that are decorated for the holidays that we can share with the greater community. We plan to expand this tradition to the Bothell and Kenmore Reporter newspapers this year.

If you decorate your house or you know of a house on your block or in your neighborhood, send us a photo and the general address so we can share it with the rest of the Northshore area.

Please send all photos and information to

We will also post slide shows at and of all the homes we photograph along with general addresses so you can see them in person.

We at the Bothell and Kenmore Reporters hope your family has a safe and happy holiday season.