Vote yes on Prop. 1 in Bothell | Letter

When deciding how to vote on Bothell Proposition 1, also known as the Safe Streets and Sidewalks Levy, it is important to place this issue in context.

When deciding how to vote on Bothell Proposition 1, also known as the Safe Streets and Sidewalks Levy, it is important to place this issue in context.

The former city council prided itself on not raising taxes during the very severe recession of 2008 and on. Last year when it became apparent that some former city officials had not been acting in the best interests of the city of Bothell, a majority of Bothell citizens elected new council members who are listening to voters and acting more responsibly. It is true that in the past, our pleas for safe sidewalks went unheeded, but due to major public outcry this year, 188th Street NE is now on the schedule for 2017. This tells me that the new council is listening to citizen input.

A “yes” vote on Bothell Prop. 1 is the best way to finally get much-needed sidewalks in several important areas of our city. Yes, it will mean all of us pitching in with some extra dollars, but if it makes you feel any better, just think of all those past years when your taxes miraculously did not increase. Those were the years when necessary projects were not done because the former city leaders had priorities other than maintaining safe streets and sidewalks.

It is unfortunate that so many of our tax dollars are committed to paying off the pricey new city hall. This venture was actually one of the ill-advised projects that were undertaken by the now-deposed former city officials. Now we are in the difficult position of having to play “catch up” with some long-neglected civic projects.

It is important to note that an additional benefit of passing this levy will be to make Bothell more competitive for Safe Routes to Schools funding which recently averaged $10 in grants for each local dollar match.

We all want safe streets and sidewalks. Bothell has a chance to make that wish a reality, by approving Prop 1.

Marcia Stedman, Bothell