We’re moving to Fridays on Aug. 13 / Editor’s Notebook

Change is good. It keeps us moving forward and always growing and learning new things each day.

And it’s also about being a team player, as evidenced by the Reporter’s decision to publish our paper on Fridays beginning Aug. 13.

The biggest reason for switching from Wednesdays to Fridays is to accommodate local and national retailers, who feel they can promote their weekend sales in a more timely manner on Fridays.

Advertisers are obviously a crucial part of our paper and we’ll do what we can to make things run smoothly for everyone. Buy Bothell is a term you’ve seen in the paper — and will continue to see — and that’s what will keep us all growing strong in the long run, as well.

Thanks for your support of local businesses and your local newspaper.

Points of view

Whether it’s the school-district supplemental levy that people can vote on in the upcoming primary or weighing in on the performance of city councilmembers, things have been a bit intense on Northshore the last few weeks.

There are differing points of view in both situations, and that provides a healthy discussion on the Web, in the newspaper and in person.

Not everyone can see eye to eye on everything, but we can at least try to understand where our “opposition” is coming from. For example, one recent letter writer said she changed her tune on school-district and state money managing after becoming more familiar with the situation.

Yes, opening your mind — but firmly standing your ground, as well — is the perfect concoction to debate the issues we face today.