Bothell defeats Woodinville in three games | Prep volleyball

The Bothell High School volleyball team beat Woodinville 3-0 in a close matchup of 4A KingCo teams.

The Bothell High School volleyball team beat Woodinville 3-0 in a close matchup of 4A KingCo teams.

Woodinville nearly pulled out a game one win, but the Cougars played tough to earn the 26-24 victory. That momentum carried the Cougars through a game-two win 25-21 and a 25-20 game three final.

The Cougars were led by Katie Arneson with 14 kills and Meagan Rourke with 13 kills. Theresa Laufasa led the defense with 19 digs during the match.

Bothell improves to 4-4 in league play with the win and 6-6 overall.