
MengineOil Reviewed: Is It the Best Oil for Beard Hair Growth?

Are you struggling to maintain a healthy and lustrous beard? Do you find your facial hair dry, brittle, and prone to shedding? If so, it’s time to explore the wonderful world of beard oils. These magical elixirs are designed to nourish and moisturize your beard hair and the skin beneath, promoting growth and ensuring a soft, manageable, and healthy beard.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the benefits of using beard oil, explore the top oils for different hair types, and provide step-by-step instructions on applying beard oil effectively. So, this guide has got you covered whether you’re a bearded veteran looking to level up your grooming routine or a novice on a quest for the perfect beard. And yes, there is a stand-out best oil for beard growth.

And in case you want the TLDR, that’s MengineOil.

Base Oils and Other Oils

Firstly, we must explain the difference between essential and carrier oils.

Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts with potent aroma and therapeutic properties. However, they can be harsh on the skin and should be diluted before use. These typically contain compounds that benefit blood circulation (like menthol) or antibacterial properties (such as thymol).

Carrier oils, on the other hand, are milder and usually derived from nuts, seeds, or vegetables. They serve as a base for essential oils, diluting their intensity and making them safe for skin application. These are typically the oils that moisturize your beard and skin, with argan being the gold standard and jojoba oil being the lighter weight but less conditioning option (it is also typically cheaper).

Now, it’s also important to mention that when it comes to essential oils used in beard growth oil, many of them aren’t standardized to have the specific extracts that have beneficial effects on beard growth that the clinical trials have demonstrated. Of course, this standardization is one of the reasons that we recommend mengine oil, as it’s the only beard oil to do that, and be willing to publish their 3rd party testing certificates to prove the contents of these compounds.

It’s also worth noting that most beard growth oil brands aren’t pure oil products; a quick look at the label will show you this. Remember that “proprietary blends” must list ingredients from largest to smallest. So, if you see water, glycerine, or a cheap oil like castor oil at the top, then argan and cedar somewhere at the bottom, you’re getting next to none of the helpful oil. It’ll likely be better than using no product on your beard, but in these cases, you’re not getting beard growth oil as much as a mild beard moisturizer. As we mentioned, our number 1 rated beard oil, MengineOil, has 100% oils, with argan being the majority of the blend.

MengineOil is a premium beard oil that prioritizes using high-quality, natural ingredients. MengineOil’s formula promotes a healthy beard with cedar, lavender, menthol, and rosemary oils. With its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, MengineOil is a top choice for beard enthusiasts everywhere. It’s not the cheapest option, but considering how much more beard growth oil you get for your money, it’s worth every penny. Oh, and they also offer a money-back guarantee if you’re unhappy with the results, which our mystery shopping team verified.

The Best Beard Growth Oil Ingredients

Cedar: Nurturing Hair Regrowth

Cedarwood oil has long been recognized for its beneficial effects on hair. Scientific studies have shown that cedarwood can aid in hair regrowth. While the exact mechanisms are not fully understood, cedarwood oil is believed to enhance blood flow to the hair follicles, improving nutrient absorption by the roots. Additionally, cedarwood oil balances the skin’s pH, strengthening hair. By incorporating cedar into its formula, MengineOil harnesses the power of this natural ingredient to promote healthy and robust beard growth.

Lavender: A Fragrant Shield Against Bacteria

Lavender is renowned for its pleasant scent and calming properties. While its inclusion in MengineOil adds to the overall aromatic experience, its primary role is to provide an antibacterial shield for your beard. By keeping your skin and beard free from harmful bacteria, lavender helps maintain the structural integrity of your hair at the base. This ensures a clean and hygienic beard and prevents hair weakening caused by bacterial infections.

Menthol: Energizing Hair Growth

If you’re seeking a thick and healthy beard, menthol is the ingredient you’ve been waiting for. Peppermint oil, the source of menthol, has been found to stimulate rapid hair growth during the anagen stage. This crucial stage is when hair grows at its fastest rate. By incorporating menthol into its formula, MengineOil provides your beard with the necessary stimulation for optimal growth.

Rosemary: The Flavonoid Marvel

Rosemary is a well-known ingredient in hair care products. However, what sets MengineOil apart is its commitment to using standardized rosemary extract. Rosemary contains 24 different flavonoids, with only a few aiding hair growth. By carefully selecting rosemary with high concentrations of these beneficial flavonoids, MengineOil ensures the consistency and effectiveness of its product.

Thymol: Defending Against Infections

Thymol, derived from thyme, is a powerful active ingredient with numerous medicinal properties. Notably, it has been used as a treatment for acne. Bacterial infections within the hair follicles cause acne, and thymol effectively combats this issue. Its antibacterial effects penetrate the hair follicles without disrupting the skin’s natural pH balance, providing a targeted solution for infections. MengineOil keeps your skin and facial hair healthy and infections-free by including thymol in its formula.

Argan: The Key to Conditioning

Conditioning is a vital aspect of beard care, and MengineOil excels in this realm by including argan oil. Known for its nourishing properties, argan oil softens and strengthens the hair without leaving a greasy residue. Unlike coconut oil, which can be heavy and difficult to wash out, argan oil strikes the perfect balance, providing the necessary conditioning without compromising manageability. With argan oil as a critical ingredient, MengineOil ensures that your beard receives the optimal care it deserves.


  • Reduces itchiness by moisturizing and softening the hairs
  • Promotes a healthy and well-groomed appearance
  • Stimulates hair growth, preventing patchiness
  • Protects against bacterial infections
  • Moisturizes and treats the skin, reducing signs of aging
  • Prevents dandruff
  • It offers an appealing fragrance that lingers throughout the day


  • Available exclusively through the official website

Benefits of Beard Oil: Why You Need It in Your Grooming Arsenal

Beard oil, especially those made from all-natural ingredients, offers a multitude of benefits for both your beard hair and the skin beneath. Let’s dive into the top four reasons why incorporating beard oil into your daily routine is a game-changer:

Hydrate Your Beard Hair and Skin

Just like your skin needs moisturization, so does your beard. Beard oil is a moisturizing product that helps hydrate the hair and the skin beneath it. It restores the lost moisture and keeps the beard hair and skin healthy. Keeping your beard well-hydrated can prevent dryness, brittleness, and shedding, often leading to patchy beards. Say goodbye to flaky skin and hello to optimal conditions for beard growth.

Tame and Style Your Beard

Managing unruly and wild beard hairs can be quite challenging. Beard oil comes to the rescue by taming those rebellious strands, making your beard more manageable to style and shape. You can regain control over your facial hair and achieve the desired look using a few drops of the right beard oil.

Soften and Condition Your Beard Hair

If your beard feels dry and rough, it is time to incorporate beard oil into your grooming routine. Natural beard oils can help soften and nourish your beard, making it smooth and healthy. Regular beard oil will nourish your facial hair, even if you don’t apply the oil as frequently.

Enjoy a Pleasant-Smelling Beard

Beard oils clean, moisturize, style your beard, and offer incredible scents. A wide range of fragrances is available, from woodsy and earthy to citrusy and refreshing. You can keep your beard smelling great all day by using a beard oil with a scent you enjoy.

Other Top Oils for Beard Growth: Unlock Your Beard’s Full Potential

Now that you understand the benefits of using beard oil let’s look at the top oils for beard growth. We’d have liked to see only one of these added to MengineOil’s beard growth oil: coconut. These oils are worth knowing about as they’re often explicitly chosen for their ability to stimulate growth, moisturize the skin, and promote a healthy beard. Whether you have coarse, curly, or wavy hair, there’s an oil on this list that’s perfect for you:

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been shown to increase testosterone levels, one of the essential hormones responsible for beard growth. It promotes the length and thickness of your beard. With high levels of vitamins K and E, coconut oil nourishes the skin and stimulates beard growth. It’s especially beneficial for those with dry or brittle hair.

Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil is a natural oil that can help in preventing breakage and hair loss in beards. It’s rich in omega fatty acids and vitamins A, B, C, and E, all of which help keep your hair soft and moisturized. Sunflower oil is beneficial for maintaining curls, improving elasticity, and strengthening your beard. It doesn’t do too much to boost growth, and both argan and jojoba oil are better for beard growth oil in general.

Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil is a natural facial oil that moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin under your beard. It keeps your beard soft, tames scraggly hairs, and prevents split ends and flyaways. It helps condition your beard and promotes healthy skin. Generally, it’s not as good as cedar.

Avocado Oil

Loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, and healthy fats, avocado oil provides essential minerals for your beard’s health and luster. It balances the skin’s pH, hydrates dry and flaky skin, soothes inflammation, and promotes new hair growth. Although this is unnecessary if you’re using an argan base, it’s helpful in cheaper blends.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is a nourishing plant extract that can promote faster and thicker beard growth. It feeds your hair follicles with essential fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins, ensuring a healthy hair growth cycle. Jojoba oil moisturizes the skin and helps balance sebum levels, promoting beard growth. It’s generally considered a poor man’s argan oil. But, if you’ve got greasy skin, it’s sometimes a better lightweight alternative.

How to Apply Beard Oil: Master the Art of Beard Grooming

Now that you know the best beard oils for growth, it’s time to learn how to apply them effectively. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure you’re getting the most out of your beard oil:

  • Start with a Clean Beard: Before applying beard oil, ensure your beard is clean and dry. You can wash your beard with shampoo or a gentle cleanser designed for facial hair.
  • Dispense the Right Amount: Begin by dispensing about 2 to 3 drops of beard oil into the palm of your hand. Remember, a little goes a long way, so start with a small amount and adjust as needed.
  • Rub Your Hands Together: Rub your palms to distribute the oil evenly. This will ensure that every drop is well-coated and ready to work its magic on your beard.
  • Apply to Your Beard: Start by rubbing your hands across your cheek hairs, working the oil into your beard from the roots to the tips. Make sure to cover all areas of your beard, including the mustache and chin.
  • Massage into Your Skin: Gently massage the oil once your beard is well-coated. This will ensure the oil reaches the hair follicles and nourishes the skin.
  • Comb or Brush Your Beard: Use a comb or brush to distribute the oil evenly and style your beard. This will help detangle any knots or tangles and give your beard a well-groomed appearance.
  • Optional: Apply More Oil: If you haven’t used enough oil, apply a few more drops. This is especially beneficial for long or dry beards requiring extra care and hydration.
  • Style Your Beard: Finally, groom your beard as desired. Whether you prefer a natural look or a more styled appearance, beard oil will help you achieve your desired outcome.

Remember, consistency is vital when it comes to using beard oil. Apply it daily or every other day, depending on your beard’s needs and preference. With regular use, you’ll notice significant improvements in the health and appearance of your beard.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Beard Oils: Finding Your Perfect Match

As you embark on your journey to find the best beard oil, consider the following factors to ensure you’re making an informed decision:


Look for beard oils made from natural, high-quality ingredients. For a well-nourished and moisturized beard and skin, use argan, jojoba, and avocado oils. Avoid synthetic or harsh chemicals that may cause irritation or damage to your beard.


To enhance the health of your beard, it’s essential to select an appropriate beard oil that has a fragrance you find appealing. Whether you prefer woodsy, citrusy, or spicy scents, a wide range of options are available. However, be mindful of choosing a scent that’s not overpowering and complements your style.


Consider the consistency of the beard oil. Some oils are lightweight and fast-absorbing, while others are thicker and provide longer-lasting hydration. The consistency of your beard is affected by its length, thickness, and texture.

Skin Sensitivity

If you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies, opt for fragrance-free or hypoallergenic beard oils. Avoid ingredients that may cause irritation or skin reactions, such as mineral oil, silicones, parabens, and artificial fragrances.


It’s essential to set a budget when buying beard oils and to look for options that offer the best value for your money. Remember, a higher price doesn’t always guarantee better quality. Plenty of affordable options provide excellent results without breaking the bank.


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