Monthly ‘Death Cafes’ at Bastyr Center for Natural Health begin April 23

Bothell's Bastyr wants to help people more bravely broach the subject of death through a monthly Death Cafe series that starts April 23 at Bastyr Center for Natural Health.

Bothell’s Bastyr wants to help people more bravely broach the subject of death through a monthly Death Cafe series that starts April 23 at Bastyr Center for Natural Health.

“Every one of us has a terminal illness called life,” says Brad Lichtenstein, ND.“We have a culture of denial. That’s why researchers say we’re the most overweight, indebted and medicated society on the planet.”

It might sound like a grim subject for a gathering, but Death Cafes offer a chance to take a more light-hearted approach to a subject often considered taboo.

“This is a serious conversation, but it’s not to be taken seriously,” Lichtenstein said. “Some of the people I’ve met who have the best spirit are those who are confronting death and can laugh.”

To add to the light-hearted approach of the often heavy-hearted subject, Bastyr Center plans to stick with the international Death Cafe theme that states: “At Death Cafes people drink tea, eat cake and discuss death.”

Cake will be provided by nutrition students from Bastyr University, along with Choice Organic Wellness Teas, which were formulated by a master herbalist at the University.

Death Cafes take place at Bastyr Center for Natural Health at 3670 Stone Way North, Seattle. They are free and open to the public and take place from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays on the following dates: April 23, May 28, June 25, September 17 and October 22.