Northshore SD moves forward on superintendent search

Parents, students and residents from within the Northshore School District (NSD) should have an opportunity to meet candidates for the district's open superintendent position in mid-June during a round of final interviews.

Parents, students and residents from within the Northshore School District (NSD) should have an opportunity to meet candidates for the district’s open superintendent position in mid-June during a round of final interviews.

The district completed the process of asking for community input on qualities the new superintendent should hold. The job has been posted, with final interviews scheduled for June 15.

The new superintendent will replace Larry Francois, who took a position at the Northwest Educational District 189 after nearly nine years with the NSD.

The last day of school is June 17, with high school graduations scheduled for June 14. NSD communications director Leanna Albrecht said the entire community is welcome to be part of the process.

“There will be opportunities for [the candidates] to get a tour during the day or meet with different stakeholder groups, and then there will be a public forum, maybe between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7-8 p.m. [on June 15],” Albrecht said.

The district expects to make an announcement on hiring a new superintendent by June 17.

The district’s new leader will have plenty to oversee, as widespread growth within district boundaries has spurred changes to withstand an expanding district student body.

North Creek High School, scheduled to open officially for the 2017-18 school year, is nearing completion, and the district is considering options for a levy in 2018.

Currently, the district is taking public input on three options for a district-wide shift in start times with the goal of all high schools starting after 8 a.m., options put together by a board-commissioned Start Time Task Force which will be recommending an option for fall 2017.

“Some people have asked the question of, ‘Why isn’t there a part in this survey to say I don’t like it?’ and the reason why the task force chose not to is because the board has been very clear that we are moving to later high school start times,” Albrecht said. “This task force didn’t want to ask that question when we know that we are moving forward.”

The district held a series of open houses on May 16, 18 and 19, with a meeting for Spanish-speaking families scheduled for 6 p.m. on May 23 at Canyon Park Junior High.

The district is scheduled to hold a series of open houses for public comment on the time change. Meetings are scheduled for May 16 at Woodinville High School, May 18 at Bothell High School and May 19 at Inglemoor High School, all at 6 p.m. An additional meeting for Spanish-speaking families is scheduled for 6 p.m. on May 23 at Canyon Park Junior High.