The kind of population growth we can support | Letter

As a family who shares the same hill as UWB/CC we are always thrilled when they do something well and even take the lead on. With the waning population of the peaceable pollinators we are all concerned. Anyone who loves their garden… or fresh produce, is keenly aware of the fewer pollinator numbers. It is heartening to see someone amending a solution. The campus has a sizable pollinating garden. It's specifically placed to help boost our pollinating populations. It would be great if the residents of Bothell became a model city in creating in their gardens and green space, habitats that bloom throughout the growing season and can support the life cycle of our pollinators. They will become "bridges" to our neighboring communities, who in turn can create a wider impact. That's the kind of population growth we all can support… without the worry of transportation impact fees.

As a family who shares the same hill as UWB/CC we are always thrilled when they do something well and even take the lead on. With the waning population of the peaceable pollinators we are all concerned. Anyone who loves their garden… or fresh produce, is keenly aware of the fewer pollinator numbers. It is heartening to see someone amending a solution. The campus has a sizable pollinating garden. It’s specifically placed to help boost our pollinating populations. It would be great if the residents of Bothell became a model city in creating in their gardens and green space, habitats that bloom throughout the growing season and can support the life cycle of our pollinators. They will become “bridges” to our neighboring communities, who in turn can create a wider impact. That’s the kind of population growth we all can support… without the worry of transportation impact fees.

Jeanne Zornes, Bothell