Blyth Park: Make your voice heard

Last night, I attended the first meeting scheduled by the city of Bothell to master plan Blyth Park. My family lives close to Blyth and has been looking forward to the time when Blyth would be scheduled for an upgrade. It is a well-used park, so my expectations were that many people would attend the meeting to make their suggestions and concerns known.

At first glance, there were a handful of people at the senior center, but in actuality beyond the park board, city staff and consultants, there were three of us at the meeting. Three people from the entire city?? That is sad and discouraging as a citizen. It has to be a waste of the city’s money to hold an event where so few people attend. I also imagine that it is frustrating for the park board to volunteer another night of their time and to see such a low turnout. It is what is becoming more and more wrong with us, people sitting at home figuring that someone else will be his or her voice.

This is a call to action. Please step up and let the park board know what you want to see at Blyth Park. Send the message that we value Blyth Park. Attend the next meeting at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Bothell Court House. Come even for a short time to show your interest in improving Blyth. If that even is too much, send an e-mail or letter to the park board letting them know your thoughts.

Kirstin Brauch, Bothell